California Early Hearing Detection & Intervention (EHDI)

3 - 4 Years

Understands Various Questions

Your child understands “Who?”, “What?”, “Where?”, “Why?”, and “How?” questions.

Follows Multiple Commands

Your child carries out 2-4 simple unrelated successive commands (e.g., Sit down and eat your lunch).

Gives Objects on Request

Your child gives you objects as you request them by name.

Uses 1,500-1,600 Words

By four years of age, your child uses 1,500-1,600 words or signs.

Uses 4-5 Word Sentences

Your child uses 4-5 word sentences.

Engages in Simple Conversations

Your child carries on simple conversations staying on topic through 3-4 turns.

Talks About Events

Your child talks about things that have happened at school or with friends.

Discusses Storybooks

Your child discusses storybooks that are read to him or her.

Describes Action in Pictures

Your child describes action in pictures.

Uses Possessives in Speech

Your child uses possessives (e.g., mine, yours, his, hers).