California Early Hearing Detection & Intervention (EHDI)

2 - 3 Years

Uses Pronouns

Your child uses pronouns (e.g., he, she, it), including personal pronouns (I, me, my, mine), and possessive pronouns (e.g., his, her).

Uses Number + Noun

Your child uses number + noun (e.g., two doggie).

Uses Simple Describing Words

Your child uses simple describing words (e.g., hot, cold, big, little).

Names Three Colors

Your child names at least three colors.

Uses Negatives

Your child uses negatives (e.g., no, none, not, don’t like, don’t know, not-yet).

Understands Two Stage Commands

Your child understands two stage commands (e.g., Sit down and read the book).

Notices Sights and Sounds

Your child notices (e.g., points, gets excited) sights, sounds like the videophone or doorbell flashing/ringing.

Responds to Location Phrases

Your child responds appropriately to a location phrase (e.g., in, on).

Begins Understanding Time Phrases

Your child begins to understand time phrases (e.g. yesterday, today).

Has a Vocabulary of 500+ Words

By three years of age, your child has a vocabulary of 500+ words and/or signs.