California Early Hearing Detection & Intervention (EHDI)

1 - 2 Years

Understands How to Use Books

Your baby begins to understand how books are used (e.g., turns several pages at a time, holds book right side up).

Has a Vocabulary of 50-100+ Words

By the age of 2 years, your baby has a vocabulary of at least 50-100+ words, primarily labels for people, food, animals, toys, and action words.

Uses Simple Two Word Phrases

By the age of 2 years, your baby has begun to use simple two spoken or signed word phrases (e.g., baby cry, more milk, my cup, no juice).

Recognizes Favorite Book by Cover

Your baby recognizes their favorite book by its cover.

Pretends to Read Books

Your baby pretends to “read” books.

Begins Using Pronouns

Your baby begins to use pronouns (e.g., me, my, mine).

Uses Two Word Phrases

Your baby begins to use two word phrases (e.g., my milk, mommy shoe).

Asks to Be Read To

Your baby asks to be read to.

Labels Drawings

Your baby labels their own drawings/scribbles with 1-2 spoken words or signs.

Asks Simple Questions

Your baby asks simple questions (e.g., What that?, Where mommy?).